Saturday, May 30, 2009

Horse riding

well here is lukwos again
this is the very first time i draw an horse so no making fun of me
it really wasnt easy at all to draw one and even more to draw one that isnt anthro lol i think it came out pretty nice still 8P
yep lukwos is riding a horse and going out for a few.been a few i was hoping to do that kind of drawing. i was doing a lot of horse riding in the past, to me it was like flying.
i was liking that so much. but well had to stop due to my legs and i miss it i admit.
anyway now im gonna try to work on some drawing for the EF 15 hehehe try being the keyword with my work lol
lukwos and art are property of karmakat

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Horse Riding (wip)

ok so no making fun ok ?
its been years i wanted to do a drawing like that but its the very very first horse i ever done.
and damn it was hard .
im pretty happy still on how it came out.
for years i loved to do horse riding while my legs let me do it.
was very fun. like flying to me.
i miss it.
well anyway lukwos seems to enjoy it hehehe
i hope yall do too )
color coming soon
lukwos and art are my property hehe