Saturday, January 23, 2010

Out of the pool (wip)

a little gift in progress for rob
(blue wolfr) to thanks him for all his drawings , his support while in the clinic and such
and because i wanted too lol
hope he ll like it once done

soon to color

Friday, January 22, 2010

Backside Kick

yep finallyfinished the "summersault" kind lol

it didnt turned out to badly i think
position washorrible to do lol

characters and art belongs to Karmakat Silverwind

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Summersault (wip)

lol yeah another fight one i wanted to do
karmakat doing a kind of summersault.
came to me because in the last drawing strype made for me everyone said i was doing a HADOKEN lol
so i did the Summersault this time lol.

not easy angle but i like the out coming
cant wait to color it lol